Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Something different

Imagine waking up every morning and looking at yourself and being disgusted at the body you saw or not being to be able to eat breakfast because you thought your body was obese. Sadly this is becoming a more modern issue in the world today among teenagers. When you look at all the models they seem to be getting thinner and thinner, the majority of people that do this is usually girls but some boys are looking and taking after them. The problem with taking after physically underweight models is the way that they try and adopt their body type, eating disorders such as anorexia! Anorexia can cause many different problems  with your body such as abnormally slow heart rate and low blood pressure, these are just a few problems with anorexia which can cause damage to your body. When doing some background knowledge on this deeply saddening topic I stumbled across a news item from Israel, they had banned the use of underweight models in order to try and cut eating disorders. Imagine the effect that would have on our underweight population if this law was brought to the U.K, sadly I don't see it happening any time soon for us but I would definitely support it! The worst thing about this disease is the physiological damage it does as the person suffering feels like they are overweight and never feels good enough, this mentality can become long term and lead to depression and sucidal thoughts. I'm not saying we need to stop modelling immediately and watch young people's eating, I just feel more needs to be done so young people can feel good about their bodies and have confidence in them. Bringing in more awareness about eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia would help to educate young people before they start to say to themselves 'I'm not as thin as the other girls maybe I should skip this meal.'
So yeah this was something completely different to write about I hope you all enjoyed it, feel free to tweet me @Joee_peacock and remember 'Beautiful is not underweight, beautiful should not be anorexic'

Sunday, 24 March 2013

A change

Evening everyone,
As some of you may be aware I haven't posted in a long time, not really sure why because I love a good blog me! But anyway i've decided to change tact with my blogging, want to do more blogging more often so will be expressing my views about normal life. There will still be funny moments (because its my life) but also my thoughts and feelings about what's happening in my life in general. I have changed my name to 'looking into the light' mainly because the readers are now looking into the light which is my life. You're getting a new insight into what makes me tick, enjoy people!
Follow me on twitter @Joee_Peacock