As the more observant humans of you may have noticed it has been snowing, well in the United Kingdom anyway. As soon as the first snowflake drops from the sky it seems like Facebook just becomes engulfed with status about school closures and 'how they will be sledging with there buddys tommorow'. This is definitely the worst part of snow however nothing can match waking up and seeing snow on the ground! Nothing will ever match the feeling of throwing snow balls at people after they have been annoying for most of the day, but ice on the ground has got to be the best part! No matter how good people look on normal ground ice can change that appearance, i've seen so many people slip whilst walking on ice it gets funnier every time! From small Year 7's to Year 13's who think they have swag it's always good to watch, especially when they slip then look round to see if anyone noticed and continue to walk like nothing happened! So next time you see the Facebook statuses think about the ice....
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